We encourage parents to have detailed and frank conversations with their students about their plans before and after Prom. One third of drunk-driving related fatalities in adolsecents occur during Prom and graduation seasion. We encourage parents to follow these tips to keep their students safe:
Know where they'll be throughout the evening and find out their transportation plans. Ensure there is adult supervision, and know this person's contact information.
Don't give permission to attend parties that will be serving alcohol to minors.
Discuss the dangers of drinking and driving with your teen.
Encourage your child never to get in a car with a driver who is intoxicated.
Encourage your teen to call you if they ever find themselves in a situation where they feel unsafe. It's better for them to be safe than to remain in a dangerous situation. Students are also encouraged to call NCSSM staff in the event they find themselves needing assistance on the night of Prom. The On-Call CCs phone numbers will be posted to students in advance. Encourage your student to have these numbers saved on their phones.
Thank you for all you do to keep our students safe!